Will your Xbox 360 replace your cable box?

There’s already a wealth of options available for using your Xbox 360 in non-gaming capacities, but could it soon replace your cable box, too?

Digiday reports that deals between Microsoft and cable television providers Comcast and Verizon is close to happening, allowing 360 owners to subscribe to Comcast or Verizon’s Fios TV services through their consoles, and without the need for a set-top cable box.

While the report is entirely unconfirmed at this point and remains firmly in rumor territory, the digital media site indicates that anonymous industry sources have called the deals “imminent.”

Both Verizon and Comcast declined to comment on the story, though a Microsoft representative said of the report, “As we announced at E3, we are committed to bringing TV entertainment to Xbox around the world through partnerships with industry leading operator and content partners. We look forward to sharing more partner news in the near future, but we have nothing to announce at this time.”

Given the online capabilities of the Xbox 360, it’s likely that a deal with cable companies could also provide unique new services available to 360 owners and targeted to the gaming audience.